“No two financial plans are the same, especially taking into account different stages of life. A person in their 30’s will need very different advice from a person in their 60’s.”
Regardless of your age or what financial position you are in, Futurum Financial Planning will provide you with a fresh approach to financial advice. Instead of focusing on selling products, we focus on establishing with you what your lifestyle and financial goals are. We then work with you to develop a strategy tailored to meet those goals and to match your personal circumstances.
Futurum Financial Planning offers an extensive range of financial services which enable us to create a tailored financial plan.
Our team of professionals offers in-depth knowledge and advice in the following key areas:
· Goal setting
· Wealth creation
· Retirement planning
· Superannuation and SMSF solutions
· Risk insurance
. Aged Care
· Estate Planning
“I have always found George very straightforward and honest and prompt in his responses to me. He is very clear with his explanations, and very practical in his advice. He is also very respectful and considerate. I have already recommended him to family and friends.”
Goal Setting
If you don't set yourself personal goals, then how do you know what you are trying to achieve financially? Ask yourself – what do you want to achieve? Remember, it is important to be specific and make your goals measurable so you can see the results. Ensure that the goals are attainable, realistic and within sensible time frames.
wealth creation
When choosing your investments, it is essential that you spread your investments across different asset classes and investment products, so that all of your financial eggs are not in the one basket.
Diversification is key to boosting your investment returns; the possibility of higher returns from growth assets together with the stability of lower risk defensive assets.
retirement planning
You've spent your life accumulating your super and now you are nearing those retirement years you've been dreaming about. What happens now? How can you ensure that you are going to get the most out of your super?
Make sure you have the right strategy in place so that your investment has the potential to grow and you are not just drawing from your retirement savings.
superanuation solutions
Super is one of the most tax-effective ways to save for your retirement. However, there are many different options of super funds available in today's increasingly complex market and not all super funds are the same.
A Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) is essentially a superannuation fund which is controlled by you. The primary purpose of a SMSF is to provide for members in retirement. As a fund trustee, you make all decisions relating to the operation of the SMSF, including how the SMSF’s assets are invested. However, there are strict rules in place for the operation of a SMSF.
An important first step is to decide what benefits and features are important to you in a super fund. You can then better match your personal needs to the super funds available, helping you to meet your retirement goals.
risk insurance
Life is full of unforeseen circumstances which can affect your plans. Life insurance may help you to meet your financial goals and obligations if you lose your ability to earn an income. Life insurance shifts the financial burden from you to the insurance provider who can afford to protect you because of the pooled premiums paid by their customers. Put simply, life insurance is there to provide you with protection against the financial impact of an event such as death, disablement, serious illness or injury.
Whether considering options for yourself or deciding how best to help someone close to you, aged care is a complex area requiring careful thought. The uncertainty surrounding where to move, how much it will cost and where the money will come from can be overwhelming and stressful.
Estate planning
Estate planning is a key part of the financial planning process. In the event of your death, it helps to ensure your wishes are carried out. This includes: making sure your hard-earned assets reach their intended beneficiaries; having a trusted administrator in place; and where minors are involved, nominating someone to take care of them if the worst was to happen.